INFORMATION: Naval Special Warfare DEVGRU SEAL Team Six/6 White Squadron Intelligence Tactical Support Element Navy Challenge Coin

  • $0.00

This section provides some collector information on an exceptionally rare element level challenge coin of the DEVGRU/SEAL Team 6 White Squadron.

1. This coin is approximately 1 3/4 inches in diameter.  Image blacked out to deter fakes being made.

2.  Circa 2016

3.  Side-by-side (Reference Only) pictures shows the same diecast was used for the flipside as was used in the DEVGRU Command coin from 2016.

4.  (Reference Only) White Squadron is displayed to show Tactical Support Element insignia as 1 of the 5 elements in the squadron.

5.  Scuttlebutt, due to the closed hole information about the secret squirrel organization known as DEVGRU's or ST6's traditional Intelligence done their White Squadron was short lived.  There were only a handful of years White Squadron was within SEAL Team 6.  These intelligence functions and operations still exist in ST6, but no longer organized as such.  Therefore, making any challenge coins of White Squadron and any element/platoons under their command extraordinarily rare.